Pro-Tips for Shopping for Yourself
I hear it time and time again in my consults and initial meetings with clients - “I HATE shopping”. Many clients raise this when hiring a stylist and I completely understand why they struggle with it. Clients feel overwhelmed by the amount of items out there, frustrated by the fit, discouraged when things don’t work out, and the list goes on and on. Shopping (whether online or in-person) is an art that takes a little bit of planning to perfect.
I believe hiring a stylist will alleviate many of these complaints altogether, but if you’re not ready to take that step, at least you can shop like a stylist!
PRO TIP #1 - Only go shopping when you’re on a mission
Many of us accumulate items that we never wear because we shop without intention, when we’re bored or as a social activity. That’s fine, but shopping this way doesn’t necessarily create a perfect wardrobe. Instead of racking up superfluous items, focus on shopping when a new season arrives, a vacation is coming up or if you have an event that calls for something specific. This way, you can look for very specific pieces and not waste your time in sections that won’t help you achieve to your goal (which is building the perfect wardrobe). You want to find pieces that help you create outfits and that ultimately, you will get use out of. As you develop the discipline of only shopping for items that fill in current gaps, you will actually save you money and be more sustainable!
PRO TIP #2 - Take a look at your closet before you shop
Before you shop, take a mental snapshot! While a stylist will do the heavy lifting and inventory your entire closet, you probably don’t have time to do that. So quickly review what you already have as it applies to your goal (see #1 above). For example, if you have a baby shower coming up, look at all of your pastels, day dresses and trousers and decide if you have anything that you can wear already. Perhaps you great white trousers no great top to wear them with - now when you shop, you are shopping with the intention to complete that outfit.
This planning ensures that you’re being efficient and avoids redundancy. You have no idea how many clients accidentally buy the same thing over and over again (queue black maxi dress). So a mental snapshot will help you stay focused on NEW pieces that you DON’T already have. Buying multiples is a waste and doesn’t help with outfit creation.
PRO TIP #3 - Make a shopping plan
Before I take any client shopping, I make thorough notes in my “notes app” on my phone containing the shopping list for the day. Let’s say you’re just entering Spring and you realize all of the short-sleeve tops are worn and ratty, your favorite ballet flats are on their last leg, and you don’t have any light wash jeans - put all of those items on your list so that when you head to the mall, you only try on those items. Maybe you find the ballet flats but have no luck with jeans and shirts, cross the flats off the list and head to the next store to get the remaining items.
Part of this plan also includes building the list of stores you will hit! If you’re looking for great-fitting jeans, maybe avoid Lululemon where you won’t find jeans at all. Instead, plan to go Nordstrom, Madewell or Anthropologie where you will find a great selection of denim. Going to stores that you know don’t carry what you’re looking for is a waste of your time! (this same logic applies online - don’t visit the online shops that don’t pertain).
PRO TIP #4 - Take fashion inspo with you
Sometimes shopping is more fun when you’re feeling inspired! In the same notes app that you create your shopping list, include some photos of your Spring inspo. While you may not be able to execute the looks exactly, it will help you stay on track and spark creativity. Don’t get locked into the details of the outfit (the striped sweater must be brown on black) but focus on the way the outfit makes the woman feel, the overall vibe and the proportions.
PRO TIP #5 - Don’t get distracted
If you know that you need red pumps for a look you want to execute, don’t get distracted by browsing the sneaker section. Shopping is often about efficiency! You will be more productive (and successful) when you stay on task.
This is especially true with online shopping! Don’t just browse the home page looking at all of the “new” or “what’s hot” items. This is what makes people so overwhelmed - seeing the vastness of the internet options! Go to the “shoes” menu item and then filter for what it is you’re looking for. Perhaps this particular store doesn’t have red pumps at all - that’s okay! At least you figured that out in 1 minute vs. 20 minutes - close the window and move on to the next store.
While browsing seems fun, I’m convinced it’s what overwhelms the client and in turns, causes them shopping anxiety.
PRO TIP #6 - Don’t get discouraged
Even as a Stylist, I only have about 50-60% success in the pieces I select. We really don’t KNOW how something will work until it is on our body. The beauty of these tips is that if you follow the guide, you won’t waste your time and get discouraged when things don’t work out. You will just easily move along to the next store that you already planned.
Also, try your best to stay in a positive place and look at this as a fun activity. Fashion is not brain surgery and the more negative you are in the process, the less likely you will be to find success with pieces.
I can’t emphasize this point enough…pull a couple of things from the rack that you would NEVER choose for yourself. Just like many things may not work (see Pro Tip #5) you’ll be surprised how different pieces WILL work. You may say things in your head like “I don’t really like pink but I’m really attracted to that dress” - why not give it a go? Don’t stick to the narratives you tell yourself about your likes/dislikes, favorite colors or what shapes look good on you. Part of building a perfect wardrobe is variety and so the more open you can be about incorporating new things, the better wardrobe you will have!